Documentation for assert_tools

A Python Unit/Functional test library, with custom assertions for RESTful API verbs (GET, POST, PUT DELETE) and HTTP methods (OPTIONS and HEAD), all unittest2 assert* converted to pep8 style functions and custom assertions for http status code

whats new

Support for testing reponse header for HTTP methods (OPTIONS and HEAD)


from assert_tools import assert_equal

def func():
    return 2
def test_func():
    assert_equal(2, func())

More interesting stuff with RESTful api.. Small bottle server to run as SUT:

from bottle import route, run, response, request

def do():
    if request.GET.get('code'):
        response.status = int(request.GET.get('code'))
        response.status = 200
    return request.body

def opts():
    response.status = 200
    response.headers['allow'] = "GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,OPTIONS,DELETE"
    return {'allow': ['GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', 'PUT', 'OPTIONS', 'DELETE']}

@route('/goo', method='GET')
def response_get(): return do()

@route('/goo', method='DELETE' )
def response_delete(): return do()

@route('/goo', method='PUT')
def response_put(): return do()

@route('/goo', method='POST')
def response_post(): return do()

@route('/goo', method='OPTIONS')
def response_options(): return opts()

@route('/goo', method='HEAD')
def response_head(): response.status = 200

run(host='localhost', port=8080, debug=True)

Test Code:

import httplib2
from import assert_response_ok, assert_delete_request_returns_success_status_code)
from requests import get

def test_get_server_base_url():
    client = httplib2.Http()
    assert_response_ok(client.request('http://localhost:8080/goo', 'GET'))

def test_server_response_to_delete():
        expected_content='abc', request_kwargs={'body':'abc'})

Indices and tables